Doubling tree cover in the Chew Valley by 2030

For the sake of future generations.

Total Europe has 32% woodland cover.

The UK has 13% & England 10%.

The Chew Valley has 7%.

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Wanted: Tree planting, care and conservation volunteers - check out our upcoming volunteer days here!


 Our Vision

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Double tree cover in the Chew Valley by 2030.


In order to help address the Climate & Ecological Emergency at a grassroots level we aim to support the doubling of tree cover in the Chew Valley between 2020 & 2030, providing carbon capture, enhanced ecosystems for biodiversity and promoting sustainable food production.

We will engage in expert-advised conversation to find the right tree for the right place, and to ensure that landowners wishing to plant trees feel supported in doing so.


We seek to cultivate our community to help us achieve this.


We will work alongside local landowners and volunteers to enhance local farming, planting in the margin lines of productive arable land and encouraging sustainable methods such as agroforestry and the use of silvopasture.

We will encourage the growing of local native trees from seed.

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We will help mobilise volunteers to carry out planting schemes on land in the Chew Valley


 Watch our Ben Moss talking to the BBC’s Country File, click and skip to 42 minutes in!

Adopt a tree for your Chew Valley

Come and meet us, out and about in the Chew Valley and beyond!

 Our Mission



Be the local eyes, ears, feet and hands on the ground to achieve our aims, and for partners who share them.

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To mobilise the community, find suitable land, facilitate with land owners, collaborate with local stakeholders (County and Parish Councils, local authorities, organisations, companies, individuals, etc.), receive funds, share best practices, and communicate our results. 



Advocate native woodland recreation to enhance the natural environment, increase biodiversity, improve water catchment, sequester carbon, build soil quality, ensure food security, generate employment, and strengthen community.  Providing the Chew Valley with a more sustainable future as the climate changes. 

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Engage in expert-advised conversation to find the right tree for the right place ensuring that new planting does not damage existing ecosystems. To achieve action in, and inspire beyond, the Chew Valley.

Co-ordinating the activity of tree planting in Chew Valley to build an ecological and social commonwealth for current and future generations

 Our Values


Community – building relationships with local partners,  inspiring and enabling people to come together planting and caring for trees locally - from hedgerows to forests

Collaboration – working with a community of partners to achieve our aims 

Sharing - our knowledge, enthusiasm, contacts and practice 

Nature - encouraging, enjoying and protecting it in our Chew Valley


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 You can be a force for nature.